Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis

I turned 16 that day in 1962. I remember standing mesmerized on the stairs up to my bedroom, watching JFK speak on the big black-and-white Dumont in the living room, talking seriously, calmly, resolutely about war. When it was over, I looked at my father and he looked back up at me. We didn't say anything. My mother was murmuring quietly, and I knew that she was saying the Rosary. I don't remember what came on the TV right after -- probably Walter Cronkite, commenting and explaining. When I eventually continued my climb up the stairs, it was not to do homework as I had planned. I lay on my bed in the dark and watched through the south-facing double windows the glow of New York City in the southern sky, imagining the white-hot flash that would come, waiting for the flash.



  1. We watched the sky for Soviet bombers and wondered if they would be Bisons or Bears. My opinion was that it would be missiles, rather than bombers.

  2. The key event in my alternative future history novel, CHURCH 10●19●62, two bucks if you've got a kindle and don't mind my fantasy and few typos. :-)
